Can't believe we have passed the shortest day of the year already! Here, the shortest day and the longest day are not different by more then 16 minutes! The sun rise is about 6:33 am right now and will set at 6:33 pm. In Dec, it will rise at about 6:22 and set at about 6:37. June 21 and Dec 21 are still the longest and shortest days of the year, but as I just found out on another site, they are not the days that corrispond to the earliest and latest sunrise and sunset! It is sometime in late Jan and early Feb that the sun sets here at about 6:54 ish. It was nice when we first got here to have it light till almost 7pm. But now, by 7, it is pitch dark. And when I say dark I really mean it! There are no street lights nor many house lights, so we westerners need to have a flashlight when going out at night. It is amazing to me how the Kenyans do not need a light when walking in the blackness. But I guess growing up with it makes you more used to it! I sure do miss my long summer days in Michigan at this time of the year. But I guess it is OK. Since there is so much work to do here, Jim and I are so tired and are usually in bed close to the "Missionary Midnight" (9pm)! At home, it would be hard to do that right now with the sun still being up.
We started on a new venture this past week. We went to an orphanage in South Kinangop where they want to build a new kitchen. It is a beautiful facility. They have 30 children and many staff. Their web site address is
We are going to provide an inspection type role for their new kitchen building. It is only 40 minutes from here with no traffic and the roads are pretty good (at least they are better than our road into Kijabe). We are excited about starting on it. The drawings/design were provided by a group from Syracuse University chapter of Engineers with out borders. We received them yesterday and will hopefully be meeting with the contractor on Monday. Please pray that this project will get started and we will be able to help it complete so that the kids will have a nice place to eat their meals.
Thanks so much,
In His Hands,
Jullie T.