Friday, March 25, 2011

The Glory of God can even be in a Sewage System

Hello All,

Just wanted to let you know that GOD is continuing to show miracles over here!

Last summer the EMI team we came with identified the sewer system as being a top priority because it was not functioning correctly.  Not much has been accomplished to date.  Just this past week we have made great strides.  The city has understood our need to use an area that has special meaning to them for our large oxidation ponds.  This will involve cutting down some trees.  This is particularly bad because trees help to hold in the ground water.  The ground water supply has been getting much worse over the years.  Many people cut trees to use for fuel.  So, much of the surrounding forests have been depleted, leaving the rains to just run off the mountainside instead of soaking into them for later use as ground water.  The trees actually act as sponges to hold in the water that gets released later in springs and streams.  So, the plan is to cut the trees and use that area but replant the trees in other areas of Kijabe.  We think the new trees will cost about $1 each.  We should need about 500 of them to replace the exitsting ones.  Anyone want a fundraising project for new trees??  Bottom line is, we are very excited, even about Sewer water!

We have made more strides this week in all the projects around the hospital.
1. The new Mother Child Health (MCH) building design was agreed to and we are moving ahead with those preparations. 
2. The new CT scan and pathology area designs are just about ready.  We need to raise the roof of that area and we are making plans to do just that.
3. The new generator building roof design was finished.  We just recieved some rebar for another project that we "borrowed" to get this roof finished.
4.  Progress was made to repair the incinerator.  This coming week will tell if the company that built it will fix it correctly or not.

The kids got out of school today for the term break.  Anyone want some kids for 4 weeks??  I don't know what I am going to do to keep them busy all that time!  They have some friends around here so I'm sure they will find something to do.  We are going to get Trevor some Swahili lessons with our teacher and he has plans to read 2 books that will take some time.  We are also going to go to Mombassa for a few days.  We had some friends going and so at the last minute we decided to go with them.  It is an 8 hour drive and is on the Indian Ocean.  I am looking forward to that!

We sure miss you all!
In His Hands,
Jullie T.

PS - I am serious about the fundraising for trees.  I can get information and make flyers for anyone interested.

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