Saturday, July 9, 2011

Life Goes On

Hello All,
This has been an amazingly busy week!  We worked on:
  1. Electrical Plan for the new Generator
  2. Generator Building Design at the Naivasha annex
  3. Mother Child Health Building
  4. Brick Making
We have also learned that we will be moving!  One of the grounds workers here, put in a word for us and got us a house.  It has a beautiful yard and an actual living room.  Now we can have people over and not have to stand to eat dinner!  We will have some painting done this week and will aim for next Saturday for moving day.
Our new front walk!

Trevor finished his last exam yesterday.  It has been exam week and he is very glad it is done!
The kids had Kiambogo night last night.  That means "place of the Buffalo."

Here is a picture of a Water Buffalo that we took last year.

The Buffalo is the mascot of RVA.  On Kiambogo night, they introduce the year book via a video or play and then they all go to their respective class groups and receive them and start the signing process.  It was crazy and the kids had a great time.  Even Sallie and Timothy got yearbooks! I didn't get a yearbook till I was in High school!  Afterwards, Trevor had a lock-in with his class.  He stumbled in this morning about 7am and mumbled something about going to bed.  I think I will let sleeping bears lie!

I think we have mentioned before about how everybody does the same thing here.  They see something that is working, and imitate it.  They don't think out of the box and try something new.  That was evident while trying to teach some of these young guys about the brick making machine.  It took us all day to gather the materials and start the process and we still weren't finished. 
Here is a picture of the bricks we've been making.

But, there are 2 examples this week of people thinking outside the box:
  1. The man who put in a word for us about the house.  He went to his boss to ask without us even asking him.  He saw our situation and made it happen.  We are grateful and very proud of him!
  2. The other is my house help, Rose.  We have been experimenting with a Colonial Brown Bread that is very yummy.  It can be steamed in a bread pan and it is very dark and grainy.  The Kenyans don't particularly like brown bread, but she wants to make it to sell to the Wazungu (whites) here.  She does not have an oven, but can steam this on her jiko (it's a wood burning cooker).  We now just have to get some advertising and some orders!
There is the coolest bush/tree here that now seems to be sprouting it's seed pod.  It comes up right in the middle as this giant sprout.

It is the weirdest thing.  And, in a group of these plants, only one will have this large pod.  So, maybe it is one of those century type plants that only blooms every once in a while.  This one's for you Mom!

Have a great week
In His Hands,
Jullie T.

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