Saturday, August 13, 2011

Hide and Seek

Hello All,
We are at another Saturday?  Wow, these weeks just fly by.  Sallie had a bit of a stomach bug this week. But she is better now. 
I mentioned how we finally got permission to get our e permits (work permits), but, we have discovered that the path is not layed with yellow brick from here!  We still have a few more hoops to jump through before we can actually get the coveted card that will declare us legal aliens.  Without this card, it is difficult to get the resident rates on any park.  The tourist rate to get into the parks is unbelievably high.  In Nakuru, we would pay $75 per person at the gate and only about $11 with a resident card.  We had planned on going to Nakuru park with the kids before school starts.  They have lions, leopard, dik-dik, flamingos, rhino and other cool animals.  But, now our date just to get the fingerprinting done has been pushed to the 31st.  The kids start school on the 30th.  So, we may have to take a Saturday in Sept to go.  We will continue to wait and hopefully we will prevail!

Yesterday, I went into Nairobi to get a few things.  I actually had about 7 items on my list when I have made a rule to only have 2.  That way I can get back before dark!  But, some of the items were in about the same location, so I felt optimistic.  We actually got 6 of the 7 done.  It was a banner day!  We were in Toi market (an outdoor used and new clothing market) and at one point were not sure if we needed to run.  We were just finishing and heading back to the car, when suddenly, many many people came running at us carrying their wares!  We stepped back onto the curb and got out of the way, and other people were saying it was the city counsel.  Apparently, the hawkers (sellers) that just line up on the street are there illegally.  So, when the council shows up, they pick up their stuff and run to avoid a fine.  It was over in a few minutes and we continued to walk to the car.  As we did, we noticed that the hawkers were setting up again!  They apparently play a game of hide and seek with the city counsil!

The beautiful pictures you see here today, were copied from another web site.  Thank you Jennifer and Scott Myre!  They are also missionaries here in Kijabe that used to live in Uganda.  Their blog is if you want to take a look.

I plan on updating the project page today also.  Please go to that tab on the top of the page to see what is happening with the projects that we are involved in.

In His Hands,
Jullie T.

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