Saturday, October 20, 2012

EMI Team has Arrived!

Hello All,
Well the EMI (engineering ministries International) team has arrived (partially) and the rest are due in about 2 hours.  That is why this will be brief today!
We spent all day (literally) yesterday going over programming issues (the needs of each of the departments that are listed on the scope of works for this EMI trip).  It was grueling but we gathered some essential information. 

Here is some of the team actually working!
We are meeting the rest of the 16 people today, getting them settled, and walking around the hospital to orient them.  Some have been on trips like this before, some have not.  We have a fire hose worth of information to share in a very short time.  They will work all week and then do a presentation of the final products a week from Monday or Tues.  Busy week ahead!
Here are some more aerial photos of the hospital and our house taken by a professional:
This is our house with the vegetable garden towards the top right.
The hospital - you can see the septic trenches heading down and to the right.
Jim has been crazy busy with the new wing getting started.  There are so many issues that come up, but we are hopeful that when they get settled in and in the groove, things will smoothen out. 
Timothy and I are heading out in a few minutes to try and catch our guitar lesson.  The man that is teaching will be leaving soon for 6 months and we want to get as much in as we can!  Here is a picture of Timothy that I took last week on the way there:

Hope you have a great week!  Just found out that my Mother is coming to visit in Dec - Yea!  The kids are looking forward to that (especially because we are going to get her to bring some chocolate chips and maybe a few Christmas presents)!

In His Hands,
Jullie T.


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