Saturday, November 17, 2012

To Be found Wanting in the Balance

Hello All,
It has been such a busy week here (don't I say that every week)?  The deputy Prime Minister came on Thursday to dedicate the Palliative Care building, the Mother Child Health Facility, the CT scanner (looks great right now but not functioning yet) and ground break for the Bethany Kids Wing.  Here in Kenya they have a President, a Vice President, a Prime Minister and a Deputy Prime Minister (in that order).  It is part of the power sharing set up they developed after the violence in the 2008 election. They were painting and gardening and general sprucing up all the way up till Thursday morning!

The Kenyan Flag
Mrs Mary Muchendu (Executive Director) and Uhuru Kenyatta on the left
The guys painting the gray cement gray!
The Bethany Kids Ground breaking plaque
Trevor playing Jazz!
The RVA Band all set up
The RVA Band was all set up and ready to go by 9:30.  Kenyatta did not arrive till after 10:45.  Then, the band played the National Anthem and a song and got stuck!  It was impossible for them to leave as they would have made a real commotion.  So, they stayed till the end (around 2:00).  The cafeteria saved lunch for them and some were glad they got out of class for most of the day!  They sounded amazing as always.
Timothy had his first concert also this week.  He is playing the French Horn.  His band did great too!
Sallie also had a reader's theater (right in the middle of Kenyatta's speech)!  But we were there cheering her on because of course she is more important!
Here is Sallie as "Sallie Spine"
I got to teach Sallie's class this past week too.  It was not as scary as I thought it would be!  The kids were good and the day just flew by.  We had a great time.  Here is a picture of all the urchins.

Well, with all the commotion going on this week, we actually did get something done.  The part that is broken on the CT scanner was located in the states.  Our Medical Director was in Georgia and coming this way on Thursday, so we had it shipped to him to hand carry here.  It arrived last night (and him too) to the cheers of many!  Not really, as it was about 1:00 in the morning when he got here.  But, the technician we hired from the states stayed a few extra days so that he could test it and the guys are up there now getting it installed.  Hopefully, it will work as planned and we will get a test subject today to run a scan on.

The Technician (Jim) and the scanner
I also got to do some drawing this week.  I have been working on revising the ENT space with the doctors.  We are almost done with it and they are very happy.  They have a specialist coming this summer to stay long term and it sure would be nice to have this building operational.
We meet every week on Wed nights to have a bible study.  This week we were studying Daniel 5, "The handwriting on the wall."  Belshazzar sees a hand writing something on the wall and Daniel interprets it.  Belshazzar promises a purple robe and a golden collar and to be 3rd in the kingdom to Daniel if he can interpret the writing.  Daniel says to keep the gifts but interprets it anyway.  He says it means that Belshazzar's reign is over and he was found "wanting in the balances."  Belshazzar was killed that very night and the kingdom taken by the Medes.  God sees our actions and our hearts and inevitably interprets whether or not we "weigh" in. 
Today is the big race!  The pinewood Derby.  Timothy and Sallie have cars entered and it will be a very exciting time.  The school has a huge track with electronic gates.  The event starts at 8:30 and ends sometime around 3:00!  Then tonight, Trevor has all of his calculus buddies coming over for Pizza (does that mean that they only eat the square root of the radius of each pizza)? 
This week is Thanksgiving and the end of school (the kids are thankful for that)!  We are so thankful to God for showing us who He is and allowing us to serve.  We are also thankful for many things:  Family, friends, kids and so many blessings.  We are also thankful to you all who come to this blog to spend some time with us every week.  It is good to know we are not forgotten even though we are physically far away!
In His Hands,
Jullie T.

PS - Jim updated the "Project Page" (tab at the top) yesterday.  Please go and look at the update on all of the projects.

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