Saturday, March 9, 2013

Elections are done??

Hello All,

Elections: They finally got the tally done and have determined a winner!  Uhuru Kenyatta won by a slight margin.  He had 50.03% of the vote and Odinga had 43.28%.  The law requires the winner to have 50% + 1 vote and take > 25% of half the counties (24).  So, we are very fortunate that Kenyatta has the extra .03%!  Actually, this just happened at 4am this morning.  We awoke to shouting and screaming in the area around us.  The sounds were happy sounds of celebration though!  All of the people went to the polls last Monday.  The Kenyans are amazingly patient.  Some people had to wait 7-9 hours to vote in the hot sun!  Then they have been waiting all week for the results.  The electronic system went kaput about Wednesday, so they went back to hand counting.  This is a joyous time around here because this area is Kikuyu and so is Kenyatta.  We are being told to stay put for at least today and see how the celebrations continue.  But, there has been very little violence during this election (not like the previous).  There were 6 police killed last Sunday and Monday and that was the worst of it.  We are praying that Odinga will bow out graciously and accept the defeat, then we can get on with our lives!

A picture that Liz took when she visited the orphanage
Bethany Kids Wing:  This is a short section this week because the contractor was not here because of the elections!  They are still working on getting "out of the ground" before the rains come (getting the columns done and back filled).  And the rains seem to be starting.  We had a short 5 minute rain on Wed and then a long rain on Thurs night.  We woke up to the smell of wet ground - it was delightful!  We haven't had rain since about early Jan.  So, they should be back on Monday and hitting it hard to get high and dry before its too late!
Dinner with Pastor Samuel and Ruth:  We went to a friend's house for dinner last week.  He is a pastor here at Kijabe Hospital.  They are a great family.  His wife has been sick a bit, but she made a lovely dinner of stew, chapatis, rice and cabbage.  They have young kids about Timothy and Sallie's ages.  They live near here on the edge of a cliff, but have a nice home.  We really enjoy their friendship.  Friendships with Kenyans are sometimes difficult because once you are a friend, you are part of their circle and therefore eligible to be asked for "help."  This makes us shy of friendships!  But, there are a few that are wonderful and we are grateful for that.  Here are a few pictures:
Timothy playing with Candice (she adores him!)

Maureen, Ruth and Brian

All the young kids

Candice and Maureen

Sallie playing ball with Candice
Farming God's Way:  I mentioned the class that I took last week called Farming God's Way.  We concluded on Saturday.  Here are a few pictures:
Cabbages done FGW on the left and conventional on the right

Rose in her FGW potato patch!  She is thrilled!
I enjoyed the class except for the planting potato and beans part in the hot sun for 3 hours!
ENT Building:  We actually did get some work done this week even though many people were missing.  The hospital broke ground on the Ear, Nose and Throat building!  It is going to be a facility just for them, where before they were sharing with Dental and could not find the quiet that they needed.  This should be done in about November of this year.  What you are seeing in the picture below is the frame that will define the level of the ground floor! 
Have you ever heard of Micheal Plant?  He was a renown sailor of Around the World races who died in 1992 when his boat capsized in the Atlantic.  A pastor recently gave a sermon in which he referenced this man because of his circumstances.  He had a radical new boat, designed by himself.  He had very little backing but was stalwart in his zeal to be the best.  He was rushed beyond what was safe to complete his task and therefore had some fatal errors that lead to his death.  The pastor compared this man's circumstances to ours in that we need to be firm in our foundation in Jesus Christ and life everyday with deliberate zeal for Him and our devotion to whatever life's work He has for us.  Luke 6:48 - 49 says:

48 He is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built.
49 But the one who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. The moment the torrent struck that house, it collapsed and its destruction was complete."

I sailed for many years as a kid.  I understand how people become obsessed with winning.  But, if we get obsessed, we can forget who our Rock is!  Nothing is beyond compare of what he is to us.

Eph 4:1
4 As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.

Thank you for all who have been praying for Kenya and the elections and our safety.  We are continuing to pray for peace.  This will be a monumental occurrence for Kenya; having established a new constitution, having held elections with minor violence and having had fair and equitable voting.  We are praying that Kenyatta will lead this country to a new level (and get our road to Kijabe fixed as he promised back in November)!

Take Care! 
In His Hands,
Jullie T.

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