Saturday, March 16, 2013

Rains have come Again!

Hello All,
The rains have come!  This is what they call the long rains and they are here.  The weather has turned over night.  Last week the days were so hot and sunny you could hardly stand it, now it is breezy and cool and we are getting periods of rain.  It is good for the shammbas (gardens) but we will now face the mud factor!

Bethany Kids Wing:  Work is progressing nicely on the wing.  There have been some delays in just getting people to to their jobs on time, but Jim, being a retired Navy Commander, expects people to do their jobs.  Imagine that!  But, it is frustrating to say the least.  Most of the columns are up.  It is looking like a real building will be there one day!

Hand Digging the pits for the columns
These are 5.5 and 6 meters deep!
The columns rising from the ground
this is s double column
Trevor left on Interim this week.  All of the Seniors and Juniors go on a week long trip somewhere in East Africa to have experiences.  He went with a group to Zanzibar.  It is an island east of the southern end of Tanzania, but considered part of Tanzania.  They are famous for their spice trade.  So, I hope I get some cool spices when he gets back!  The school held the band concerts this past week before the kids left.  It was wonderful as usual.  The Jazz Band is my favorite.  Here is a link to a you tube video that Jim set up:
Not a great picture but you get the idea.  So Proud of him!
Looks like we started a new project this week.  It is a place called Upendo Village (Love village) near Naivasha (about 40 minutes from here).  They are an HIV/AIDS outreach run by the Catholic Diocese of Nakuru.  The sister that is the executive director is very sharp!  She knows a lot about building and is so excited about this project.  They have a compound with several building that were complete some years ago.  At this point, they are continuing with the master plan and have funds for about 1 1/2 more buildings (Admin and Kitchen block).  They want us to be part of the construction committee to oversee things.  We are honoured and hope that we can help as they strive to serve the needy in Naivasha and surrounding areas.
A picture from the back of the property
They have a very cool model of what it will be when finished!
The building in front will be the new Admin building.  The one in the back is already there.
This is the living quarters for the nuns and it is already there.
Tragedy has struck the missionary community here this week.  A new missionary family serving at Tenwek Hospital about 3 hours from here lost their 13 month old daughter.  She had been sick with vomiting since their arrival in late January.  Last Wed in the middle of the night, they discovered a brain tumor.  They rushed her here to Kijabe to have our neurosurgeon operate, which he did, but she died about 12 hours later.  They have 3 older boys (oldest is about 7).  He uses the verse of
Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
You can go to their blog to donate to the Hannah Kelley Homecoming Fund and read how their faith is keeping them going.  Their blog is
Another tragedy:  There is a little baby named Emmanuel.  He was born without the frontal lobe of his brain and some other congenital defects.  He is not expected to live long.  He is one of the many Kenyan babies that come here to Kijabe for treatments and to give their families hope.  Another missionary here took some great pictures and I was able to print them for her.  He is so precious!
He is one of the many tragedies that happen here every week.  Jim and I do not interact with the patients much, so we can be at a distance from that aspect of the hospital.  Our jobs are so different from what the Doctors and Chaplains do.  I am thankful for that in one respect - I can be ignorant.  But in another respect, we need to pay more attention to the suffering that is present all the time.

Please pray for:
1. Us as we start a new project at Upendo Village.
2. that the rains will be adequate and not torrential like last year!
3. The Kelley family as they mourn their lost one.
4. Trevor to get back to us safely.
5. The Bethany Kids Wing, that they will continue to raise the funds needed to finish this project.
6. Emmanuel and his family.

Thank you All!
In His Hands,
Jullie T.
One last picture:

Mac the puppy (next door) with the cats.  Who do you think is in charge here?


1 comment:

  1. Will pray for your intentions and send all good wishes that everything will go well. Thank you for your prayers for Jacques daughter. She is out of the hospital after 4 months and back in rehab - and she moved her toes - a really good sign. Hugs to everyone and love to all... and of course, the usual extra one for BG Jr. Jeannette aka Butterfly Girl
