Friday, February 25, 2011

Busy Week

Hello All,
We have had a busy week!  We are getting more involved with the hospital construction projects for sure.  This week, we have had our hands in the New Bethany Kids Wing, the CT Scan room project and we are working with people on the water system improvements. 

We just made a trip to Naivasha to pick up a desk for Trevor that I commissioned from a little shop on the side of the road.  He did a great job so I ordered another one for the living room.  We are swimming in paperwork here and can not seem to organize it without a proper desk.

You really know you are in Africa when you make a trip to a town like Naivasha.  The streets are teeming with people, kids, vendors, donkeys and the like.  When you see a little child (about 2-3) standing near the side of the road wearing a torn sweater and no shoes, it is a reality check.

Tomorrow, the school is putting on what they call Senoir store.  They sell all sorts of things that are not good for you (donuts, funnel cakes, hamburgers, pizzas) and there are soccer and basketball games going on.  Of course we will be there!

Hope you have a great week end.  It has been in the 70's to 80's here during the days and the 60's at night.  We are expecting the rains to come in the next month or so. They sure need it as it is very dry right now.

In His Hands,
Jullie T.

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