We have had a week of survival here! And now it is Saturday and there is nothing scheduled! What a blessing to be able to sit and write and read a book and make some pizza for dinner. It's the little things in life that we so enjoy!
Trevor was of to Uganda this week for his interim trip. The Juniors and Seniors get to go on interim. There were about 12 trips for them to choose from. He chose to go to Uganda where they were going to an island school to play and teach the kids, help at a mission in Jinja and raft the Nile for a day! They are doing their rafting tomorrow. This nervous mom is going to try and not think about it too much! Hopefully we will have some nice pictures to show you next week because he took our good camera.
We chose the exterior stone for the Arts Center building up at RVA as I mentioned in last weeks post. It is what we call bush cut on the lower half and a smooth stone at the top. It is so pretty. They have been starting to cut it. They do all the dressing on site. Here is a picture of our clock tower that is the same type of stone:
Bush cut stone for the clock tower
Close up
Art Center
They have been able to pull all the supports for the lower floor. It is really nice to be able to walk through the space now.
We have a new water tank being installed here at the hospital. It will hold 600m3 of water (162,000 gal). That is a lot! This should give the hospital about 3 days of supply. Right now we have about 3-6 hours of supply. What a difference it will make to have a more reliable supply of water. Here they are digging the foundation:
We had to move the Quonset hut last year to make room for the Bethany Kids Wing. We moved 2/3 of it behind the hospital to be the shipping and receiving center. It is finally in place and the hospital is starting to create the interior walls that will divide the storage areas. This will be the central place for receiving items which is so needed. To have all material come to one place to be logged in and then sent on will be a great improvement. Here is a picture:
I have had a few weeks of not feeling well. I finally went to see a Dr and it turns out I have hyperthyroidism. It is amazing how many functions of the body the thyroid controls. I am hoping that the medications I am now taking will make me feel better. Not sure what the main cause is, but we are going to watch and see how I react with these medications. I am just hoping to feel good again soon!
Timothy was in the JH play last night. It was called "The Comic Book Artist." He had a small roll as a policeman. They all did a great job and had a lot of fun in the process.
Timothy is the one pointing to the right.
A few weeks ago I had 2 nights in a row where I had to gather kids of different ages and play "games in the dark." The first night was with Sallie's class. We had a blast! The kids played Flashlight tag, Sardines and Capture the Flag all in the pitch dark. They were so full of energy and just ran till they dropped!
Sallie's class having a snack after "games in the dark"
I also did Timothy's class the next night. We played some of the same games but what a difference! The older kids were more calculating and much less energetic! They stood around and talked and made plans, but did not execute very well. Lesson learned: The younger kids really enjoy playing in the dark, older ones, not so much!
Hope you all have a great week. It should be another week or 2 and we should hear from the other colleges that Trevor applied to.
In His Hands,
Jullie T.
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